Mission team Petrila
evangelisation • discipleship • church planting
str. Republicii nr 273 B
335800 Petrila, jud. Hunedoara
Legal form
Association "Asociația Creștina GRAUNTELE Petrila"
in English "Christian Association WHEAT GRAIN in Petrila"
Tax number CIF 17801291
Bank account in Romania:
Banca BCR S.A.
RO24 RNCB 0165 1730 4055 0004
Partners in Germany
"Samenkorn e.V." has been planning and implementing all structural improvements since the beginning of 2004. In addition, they finance the brunt of the employment of the Romanian employees and the maintenance costs.
Donations from Germany should be sent directly to Samenkorn: www.samenkorn.org
"Globe Mission e.V.", is our partner for mission. In the global network of Globe Mission, Stefan and Esther Armer have been sent as missionaries to Romania and to the "Petrila Mission Team" project. Their personal salary comes from donations to Globe Mission.